
I hear
I am
I receive what is. . .
No argument
My body is sound
Listening guides my body
Sound is the fiber of my being and of all sentient beings without exception
– Pauline Oliveros

map making and marking

To expand my local knowledge of  Ólafsfjörður, I have made some maps which I am asking people to annotate with specific personal points:

  • a surprising event
  • a significant event
  • a place to listen
  • a place of warmth
  • other (please describe)

I’m not sure how effective this strategy will be except to prompt conversations. So far discoveries I have made:

  • There is one romantic place in town- a solitary bench that overlooks the lake.
  • For all participants, the place of warmth is the home.
  • Nature is to be listened to.
  • A researcher came to the library once to search for strange creatures.

The weather is making it difficult to feel like I am making progress, today was the coldest at around -6 degrees. Although there was the most light I have seen, it’s difficult to endure the outdoors for too long. In the evening the cafe had a knitting activity (or cake-eating) which was also combined with another artist’s lantern-making workshop.

I will continue listening and looking for another week and see what arises. I was told I should interview Ave the Estonian church organ player. She also plays the piano accordion.

